Note: This isn’t any particular road, but rather a serious of loosely-connected roads that allow one to thread their way through some surprisingly empty country laying between Interstate 90 and WA SR26. The Inner Passage holds a marked allure for me. Usually, when I am trying to get an event or a function, I’m in… Continue reading Eastern Washington’s Inner Passage
Category: Adventure
Gnarly Pavement, Narrow Road, Ruts, Funky Curves, Frost Heaves, Long section of loose chipseal. Yep, that’s Adventure Riding.
Elk River Road / Wells Bench Road
This road is not the normal kind of road you see posted here at Motorcycle Roads Northwest. For one, it has 23 miles of graded gravel. For another, there’s quarter-mile long two-tower suspension bridge out in the middle of nowhere that goes over the Dworshak Reservoir. For a third, the southern paved section (below the… Continue reading Elk River Road / Wells Bench Road
Oregon State Route 214
Oregon Route 214 may not be the sportbike-haven that you get in the mountains on side of the Willamette Valley, but there’s enough curves to go around and plenty to see and do along this highway. In Mount Angel, you can visit a Germanic-style Benedictine monastery and stop for comestibles at the Mt. Angel Brewing… Continue reading Oregon State Route 214
Oregon State Route 202
The first time that I rode through in August of 2007, the western stretch of this road was a wondrous piece of pavement with fresh, racetrack-smooth pavement that was to die for even in the wet. Then the paving stopped. And it became an adventure road. It was wet, gnarly, bumpy, frost-heavy, and oh yes,… Continue reading Oregon State Route 202
Rock Island Grade Road
Nestled in a bend of the Columbia River is the Rock Island Dam. This dam and the eponymous nearby community sits in a little spot along the river that looks like the river channel used to flow though there. Just a few miles east of Rock Island Grade and quite near the dam, is an… Continue reading Rock Island Grade Road