Washington State Route 706 ‘Stevens Canyon Rd/Westside Road’

Washington State Route 706 is one of the more picturesque highways in Western Washington, and one of the busiest two lane highways you’ll find outside of the Metropolitan Everett-Sea-Tac-Oly sprawl. The road is quite well-paved and engineered. The curves are quite smooth and very little in the way of road irregularities to distract you from… Continue reading Washington State Route 706 ‘Stevens Canyon Rd/Westside Road’

Old Washington State Route 209 ‘Chumstick Highway’

Old Washington SR209 is a small, narrow, winding country road that provides easy access to Lake Wenatchee without the traffic inherent in traveling through downtown Leavenworth while tourists are in season. The road in indeed quite narrow and very twistly, winding between the various farms, railroad trestles, and geologic formations and artifacts. “The road surface… Continue reading Old Washington State Route 209 ‘Chumstick Highway’

Washington State Route 203

Map of State Route 203 with nearby recommended roads: Covering Washington State Route 203, Preston-Fall City Rd, Fall City-Carnation Rd, Carnation-Duvall Rd., Tolt Hill Rd., Snoqualmie River Rd. Ames Lake/Carnation Rd, and Lake Alice Rd. State Route 203 Preston-Fall City Rd, Fall City-Carnation Rd, Carnation-Duvall Rd. 203 winds its way northward from I-90 up towards… Continue reading Washington State Route 203

Washington State Route 542 “Mount Baker Highway”

This road is a real gem. The east-west section across the north end of Baker is a good 30 miles of tree-lined sweepers. Once you get to the northeast of Baker, SR 542 gets positively exciting with a succession of steeply-graded, challenging hairpin curves. The lower elevations of Mount Baker Highway are fairly typical of… Continue reading Washington State Route 542 “Mount Baker Highway”