Gifford-Pinchot Forest Service Road 52 (National – Packwood)

Are you looking for twisty? Yes? Well, we have that. Are you looking for a spot to camp alongside the road next to an alpine stream? Yes, we have that too. Are you looking for a tight, technical road with 25-30mph corners and little in the way of traffic and enforcement? Yes, we even have… Continue reading Gifford-Pinchot Forest Service Road 52 (National – Packwood)

Cascade Lakes Highway (aka Century Drive)

While this road is certainly no Aufderheide, it’s a fantastic road that I highly recommend. It’s scenic, from disturbingly fresh-looking lava flows and fantastic views of Mt. Bachelor to sobering views of recent forest fires and the distinct possibility of up close and personal visit with the extremely large elk in the area. Link to… Continue reading Cascade Lakes Highway (aka Century Drive)

Oregon State Route 180

During my recent (August 2007) trip down the Oregon Coast, I gave this road a try. At this time, I cannot recommend this road for non-dualsport motorcycles. The road surface is extremely rough and consists primarily of patches, some of which are weathered concrete in the midst of this otherwise asphalt/chip-seal roadway. This roadway has… Continue reading Oregon State Route 180